Overview of charges and fees for handling cargo.
Prices are stated in NOK and EUR.
Extraordinary units
For transport of extraordinary units, rates will be given on request. Sea freight rates for agricultural- and industrial machinery will be given on request. For units with a width of over 2,60 m, a surcharge will be added on the sea freight:
2,61 – 3.00 m: + 25%
3.01 – 3,25 m: + 50%
3,26 – 3,75 m: + 75%
3,76 – 4,25 m + 100%
For widths over 4,25 m, freight rates given on request.
For heavy weight units (total weight above 60 metric tons), a heavy weight surcharge of + 100% will be added to the base sea freight. The unit/cargo must be approved by the ramp manufacturer, crew and ship.